Sunday, February 21, 2010

More Barca and trip to Madrid

So it's been a few weeks since my last post, mostly cause not much has been happening really. The past couple weeks we've just been doin the usual, goin to class and goin out most nights. Life is good. Last tuesday night everyone went to Carnaval in Sitges, which is a big celbration on Fat Tuesday, similar to Mardi Gras. It was a really good time, everyone dressed up and had a blast. Cohen dressed up as an asain and was basically a celeb there, all the asains were running up to him and taking pictures, pretty funny stuff. Unforutunately I have some midterms this week so I need to concentrate and get through this week. The weather is finally starting to get better and we shouldn't see any rain for a while. Either way, its better than bein in the blizzards at home. People are startin to visit us soon which is pretty exciting, we got cohens boy comin tuesday and millers dad comin wednesday, kotvis in a few weeks and then naz and sherm the worm, exciting stuff goin down.

Now for our trip to Madrid. First of all, let me just say its an awesome city and its pretty big. The buildings and all the statues are really cool. Its the capital of spain so there is a lot of history there. The nightlife is fun, not as crazy as it is here but a really good time nonetheless. Hmmmm what else? Oh, there are WAAYYY too many gay people there. Needless to say, I was in some pretty uncomfortable situations. We were wandering the streets later in the night in madrid and we tried walking in to this one club, and the bouncer looked at us like we were crazy and said, "No chicos." Sure enough, it was a lesbian bar. Oh how I would love to be a fly on the wall in that place. Moving on, this morning as we were checking out of the hotel I witnessed somethin that I thought was pretty cool. There was a group of older german people standing around in the lobby and one of the ladies went up to the front desk to ask a question, sure enough she started speaking english to the spanish worker at the desk. I thought it was pretty cool, a spanish and german woman havin a conversation in english. Stupid story I know but I felt PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN BABY. Anyways this blog isnt goin anywhere really, basically Madrid was sick but its good to be back here.

Were finishing up bookin our spring break, its lookin like prague, rome, florence, cruise through greek islands...gotta love it, till next time holla atchyaa boy

...If I was you then I would probly hate on me too

Makin memoris,


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