Wednesday, March 3, 2010

FC Barcelona - More than a club

Heyyyyy world. Its been about a week and a half since my last post. Everything over here has been great, still have midterms until next monday though. The weather here has been gettin better by the day which has somehow made barcelona even better.

Last weekend we finally made it to Parc Guell, which is one of the coolest places to see here in Barcelona and its only a ten minute walk from our apartment. Parc Guell is a "garden" built by Antoni Gaudi, a famous catalan architect. It has amazing structures and you are able to look over the whole city, its an amazing sight to see.

The weather was so nice that we were also able to finally go to the beach. We have been to the beach before, but we hadn't been able to actually just lay there and hang out. It was really relaxing and its really nice to be able to hop on the metro and be at the beach in a matter of minutes, quite a contrast from hoppin on the b-bus in bloomington and going to college mall. We had the pleasure of seeing two naked men walk down the beach right past us. It was absolutely disgusting and it made me want to throw up. Literally the only thing these men were wearing was high black socks and sneakers. Seriously, it was nasty.

We capped off the weekend by going to the FC Barcelona soccer game. It was absolutely incredbile. People here are obsessed with the team, they live and die by it. There was about 90,000 people there for a game that wasn't really a big deal. Unfortunately, they dont sell any alcoholic beverages at the game, which is probably a good idea because it would definitly get out of hand. With that said, we hit up a bar before the game and indulged in some beer and tapas which got us feelin good before headin over to the stadium. We ended up singing the IU fight song as we were walking in, needless to say we were gettin some weird looks.

Life is good.

Great moments are born from great opportunity.

Makin memories,


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