Sunday, March 14, 2010

Snow in Barca...Classic Kotvis

Another amazing couple of weeks in the book. Finished up midterms last week, that was a great time. I'll get my grades back in the next few days so lets keep our fingers crossed.

So last week kotvis visited, needless to say we had an incredible time. I got to show him around the city and take him out to the clubs. Unfortunately the weather was a little under par, and it actually snowed in barcelona for the first time in a REALLY long time. The locals here were freaking out to say the least. I was walking from one class to the other and people were literally taking millions of videos and pictures, most of the people here have never seen snow before. Two days before the snow I was hangin out at the beach, so it definitly caught some people off gaurd. The city basically shut down for the day.

Last thursday night was probably one of the best nights we've had since arriving in this amazing city. We went to dinner right on the ocean, and enjoyed a nice meal that included all you can drink wine...needless to say that got a little bit out of hand. After dinner, we went on a mini bar crawl on our way to the club. At one of the bars, I ended up getting thrown on stage by a "dancer" and getting my shirt ripped off. I'll spare you all the details, but lets just say it was a good time; Kotvis was loving every second of it.

Unfortunately, Lou had to leave but lucky for us Sherm the worm is now in town. Gunna do it all over again this week with him, and the brown kid gets here on wednesday so that should get pretty rowdy. Oh by the way, cohen had a friend in town last week and we got to meet her friend who was visiting from London, his name is Tom and he is a professional rugby player. Probably the coolest person I have ever met, and we got to hang out with him for like 3 days. His accent was just absurd and everything he said sounded hysterical. Last thing...I have a newfound obsession with Justin Bieber, hence my facebook profile picture. He's just the man.

I hope all my friends back home enjoy there spring breaks in acapulco and panama city beach...but sorry guys, it still doesnt compare to here.

You can take me out of college but you cant take the college out of me.

Still makin memories,


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