Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Seville and first trip to the gym

Been a while since my last post so let me update you on what we've been up to. This past weekend we took a trip to Seville, which is in southern spain to visit our friend ross. They say Seville is the third biggest city in Spain, behind Madrid and Barcelona so I was expecting a fairly large city. To my suprise, Seville was fairly small. It was a really nice little town, it was a lot more quiet then here in barca and they're aren't nearly as many americans there. The nightlife is a little more laid back, which was a nice change of pace for us.

The highlight of the trip is pretty obvious and as you are reading this story, try and imagin it in your head. Saturday we were walking the streets of Seville just checking it out and enjoyin the nice weather. As we were walking, a homeless man was standing on the sidewalk trying to collect change from people. Adam, scott and I walked by the guy and didn't think anything of it, but of course cohens clumsy dumbass didn't see the huge basket of change and booted it. Change went everywhere. There must have been 40-50 people staring at him thinking about how much they hate americans. Cohen frantically dropped to the ground to try and pick up all the change while of course using his favorite line, "LO SIENTO, LO SIENTO!" I dont think I've ever laughed that hard in my life, please just try and imagin cohen doing that, its too funny. If you dont know him, first of all your lucky, second of all it might not be as funny, but if you do, you should appreciate that story.

Now that were back in barca miller and I joined a gym. We've gone the past few days and its really nice. Unfortunately no smoothies though so I don't think dicker would approve. But there are a few things that bother me about the gym. First of all, the weights aren't in pounds, they are in kilos, which makes me feel a lot weaker because the weights look smaller and I have to do the conversion rate in my head for everything I do, its really annoying. Why cant they just use pounds??? Its clearly a much better system. The other thing that bothers me is these spanish dudes that work out wear the shortest shorts ever, like shorter then old school larry bird. If they arent wearing short shorts, they are wearing spandex pants. Its completely absurd, they look ridiculous and I have a hard time working out next to them cause I feel really uncomfortable. Thats about all I got for now. Were leavin for interlaken thursday so I cant wait to ski and skydive, hopefully I'll have some great stories and hopefully there wont be any homeless people for cohen to kick away their life savings again.

And thats the way the cookie crumbles

Makin memories,


1 comment:

  1. Listen here Jimmy Two Times. You think that you need to go to Spain to get th'paper, get th'paper??!!! You can run but you can't hide. Just remember two little things while you're in Europe....NO SCHWIMMIN' AND NO WOMEN!!!
