Thursday, January 28, 2010

Damn birds

Been a few days since my last blog, still livin the life out here. Were gettin ready to head down to Seville for the weekend which should be a great time. School is in full swing and classes are alright, a few are interesting and the others are extremely boring but thats the way it is.

If you know me at all, you know I have a strong hatred for birds, I CANNOT STAND THEM. Pigeons are everywhere here and the other day I had a rough encounter with a group of them. I was just minding my own business walking to the metro after my class and some pigeons start walking behind me, following me for a little bit. I didn't think much of it until I noticed not only were they walking behind me, but there was also a large group of them flying over me. If you dont know, when I was a little kid a bird landed on my head and ever since then birds and I haven't really gotten along. Anyways, these birds were above me and behind me for literally 3 blocks and it was starting to freak me out so I picked up the pace a little but of course they stayed right on me. Long story short, I ran to the subway station while birds were following me and spanish people were lookin at me like I was crazy. I don't know what they were doing our why they were following me, but I guess they don't really like me that much? I dont know, who cares, damn birds...

Moving on, a few more things that have been on my mind. Listen, I know I'm good looking, but why do spanish people feel the need to stare holes through me. Like I will be sitting on the metro and 5 or 6 people will stare directly at me, not for a few seconds, but for a few minutes. It is beyond uncomfortable, like take a picture bro it'll last longer. I really don't get it, like do I have something on my face, why can't these weirdos stop starin at me? Freaks. Oh by the way, remember the blind lady that walked through the metro about a week ago, yeah I had another encounter with her. It is by far the creepiest thing I've ever seen, she is straight up casting a spell on people. Finally, whats the deal with all these spanish bums? I will be walkin around minding my own business and they will pester you will crazy spanish nonsense. Its like I know your homeless dude but I'm not giving you anything. Listen up buddy, I dont give American bums money, I'm damn sure not gunna give you any. Thats about it for now.

P.S. - Rapchik fell at a club the other night and gashed his face open. Cohen took him to the hospital where they gave him some stitches, and then Rapchik proceeded to try and hook up with cute his female doctor. :)

That's the way the cookie crumbles

Makin memories,


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