Sunday, January 24, 2010


So its been a few days since my last blog mostly cause I'm dead. My body is killin me so its time to just chill and take it easy for a lil bit. We've literally been goin out every night and its so fun but I need to relax for a night or two.

The past few days we've finally gotten to see another side of Barcelona. We went on a bus tour which was really cool. We got to see a lot of cool buildings and museums and take some good pictures. Barco is a really cool city cause its got so much to offer from the night life all the way down to the different buildings and food. The best part of our bus tour would have to be when rapchik got in a fight with gypsies cause they tricked him into giving them some money. When it finally occured to him that they stole from him he went back and yelled at them for a minute until finally we had to pull him away from them cause it just wasnt worth it anymore but it was really funny. CLASSIC rapchik.

There are a few things that have been on my mind that I just dont seem to get. People here don't understand the concept of PERSONAL SPACE. They will literally talk right in your face, they will stand as close to you as they want, they always brush up against you and I personally cant stand it. Its just like get off me bro give me some room to breathe. It super annoying but I guess I'll have to get used to it. Another thing is PDA is huge here. Everywhere I go I see people makin out and goin at it. Its disgusting, like get a freakin room dude. Finally, whats the deal with the people and there dogs here. Honestly, multiple times a day I see people walking their dogs and stopping so the dog can take a piss in the middle of the sidewalk. Its freakin insane, I straight up have to walk in a maze so I'm not walking through huge streams of piss. SO WEIRD. Which brings me to my last point, do dogs here bark spanish?? Like do they understand what their owners say to them?? Would bailey be able to survive here? Do dogs speak spanish to eachother or what?? Just something thats been on my mind.

Still love this place, but now its time to do some homework and get some stuff done. Goin to an american bar tonight to watch the games, pretty excited for that. I'm prayin the saints beat the shit outta the vikings, and I'm hopin the jets colts game is close. Till next time...holla atchya boy.

God is love.

Makin memories,


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