Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Just another day in the life

I'm going to try and keep this one short cause I think they might be gettin too long.

Where to begin...

First off, let me start by apologizing to the people of barcelona for calling them out on not speaking english. Yesterday cohen miller and I went to pick up my phone at this package place, we had no idea where we were going because the street signs are extremely annoying and difficult to read but nonetheless, we had to ask 4 people for directions. Luckily 3 of the 4 spoke english. We were so suprised and happy, so I guess some people here do speak english, thank god.

Moving on, there is something here that really bothers me. We have to bag our own groceries. Now it may not sound that ridiculous but the other day we spent about 70 euros which is like a little over $100 at the supermarket to stock up our apartment with food.After the guy rang us up we waited for them to bag the groceries, after staring at him for a few minutes, we ended up having to do it ourselves. I wanted to be like listen up bro, we just dropped 100 dollars here the least you can do is put it in a bag, like come on whats that all about? Not that its difficult to bag groceries but its the principle.

This place is getting crazier by the day. I'm blown away with everything I see. The clubs aregetting more and more fun as we continue to meet more people. We are just starting to get acquainted with thesubway system here. It started off confusing but its actually really easy and quick. While on the subway today, Rapchikand I saw honeslty the most absurd, creepy thing either of us have ever seen. We were just standing there mindingour own business tryin to get back to our place after class. We were actually standing next to the only other red head in barco so I was about to try and talk to him and get his life story, I figured he might know miller cuz of the red head thing, but before I could start talking to him, I look behind me and I see everyone parting like the red seaand I was so confused. The next thing I know there is a old blind lady walking down the middle of the subway with herhuge blind stick waving it around as she walks. She had a cup in her left hang trying to collect change while singing some weird spanish song extremely loud. It was the crazyiest, creepiest thing I've ever seen, nobody really seemed to be in shock like me and Adam were, but it straight up felt like she was casting a spell on us. The whole subway was silent listening to her singand watching her navigate her blind self down the train. So freakin weird.

Class started yesterday and it is what I thought it would be. Some of the classes are interesting cause we get to learnmore about the history of barcelona and europe as a whole. Today I had a 10:30 class and my teacher called me out. We had nametags on our desks and there were only about 10 kids in the class. Of course, I was having a very difficult time stayingawake after a long night, I must have dozed off for a minute cause she was like Ryan wake up, probably not a goodfirst impression but what are ya gunna do?

One more thing real quick, I am like average height here. Im lovin it, a 5'8" kid bein average height is pretty coolif you ask me. There are honestly no tall people here its so weird. We were walkin through the subway station and I noticed the celings were so low, honeslty weiner you would be screwed bro, you would literally have to duck to walk throughthe subway station. Fricken spaniards, cant live with em cant live without em, but it is what it is and its hard notto love this place.Thinkin about hitten up interlaken this weekend, we'll see, I had a hard time holdin my own at ChesnutI dont know if I'm ready for big ass mountains. Pshh who am I kidding? I'll tear that shit up.

New pin: 310965B3 add me!

Clear eyes, full hearts, cant lose

Makin memories,

P.S. - Cohen is 3 for 5 in breaking glass bottles at out at night and Naz I had a brown cab driver last night and I asked him if he knew you, he said your name sounded familiar ;)

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