Thursday, January 14, 2010

Finally here!

First off, let me just say that typically I hate blogs and bloggers and everything they stand for, no offense jonny or cohen but nobody gives a shit;however, i feel this is an appropriate time to blog, as I have just arrived in barcelona and i would like to have this blog to remember barcelona and all the places I stumble upon.

Secondly, I'm not a journalist nor do i aspire to be one, so you will have to deal with mispelled words,run-on senetences, incorrect punctation, and ridiculous abbreviations such as totes(short for totally haha). If you dont want to read it, then don't, i really dont give a shit. WITH THAT goes nothin.

Yesterday morning me and rapchik landed in barcelona at 7, somewhat apprehensive but very excited. Once we arrived, i turned on my phone and of course it didn't work, so needless to stay i was somewhat pissed. Adam and i almost got arrested about 10 minutes into our trip because I left his jacket on the plane and we ran back to get it, people must have thought we were terrorists because some spanish security lady came up to us after we got the jacket and started questioning us. We had absolutely no idea what she was saying because neither of us speak spanish, or as they speak here CATALAN. Our response was fairly breif, "listen lady, i have no idea what ur saying, but we were just running back to get this jacket." Terrible story i know, but i thought it was a funny first experience in europe.

ANYWAYS...europe is crazy. I've never been here before so I had no idea what to expect. Everything is so different here. I'll start off with the hotel, the elavator is outside,all the rooms are very nice but very small, the showers are different, the lighting is messed up, the outlets are different, and we dont watch tv because we cant understand it. After we checked in, we went out and walked around. We hit up 3 small little restaurants and ordered a few beers. It seems like the beer of choice here in san miguel or somethin like that, and its actually not that bad. The beers here are a lot bigger by the way...people were lookin at us kind of weird cause it was like 10:30 in the morning and we were drinking like it was 11PM, but we had no sense of time so who cares. Moving on, everyone here takes a ciesta(a mid-day nap)...idk its weird but I can dig it, it pushes everything back, people dont eat dinner until like 10:30 at night and then people start goin out around 1. I dont really, know everything is just real fresh right now, meetin a lot of new people and trying to live it up. The club last night was real nice and a lot of fun. I was under the impression that people here spoke spanish...WRONG. They speak catalan, which is very similar to spanish but it has a lisp and has a little french thrown in there. It actually sounds really funny and I've had to try really hard not to laugh at people when they speak to me. Whatever, it is what it is.

Ive only been here for 2 days now so i dont really know much about the culture yet but I'm sure ill figure it out. For instance, people here dont tip. Whats that all about? I tried to tip the waitress who was giving us beers and she just gave me the money back. I can't complain tho, less money to spend. Which brings me to another thing, the euro is so weird. They have coins that are worth anywhere from 2 euro to .01 euro. All of the bills are different colors and different sizes. Its really annoying and weird but I guess ill have to get used to it. It honeslty seems like monopoly money, which is a really bad mentality cuz i dropped about 80 euros last night(aka $120)sorry dad :) The last thing that ive noticed and that is really weird are the phone numbers. They only have nine digits, and ur number changes depending on if your calling from inside of the country or outside.

Tonight were goin to this club called opium mar, i heard its pretty crazy so im lookin forward to it. Just livin life one moment at a time, tryin not to let anything pass me by and tryin not to get jumped by spanish gangsters. Oh by the way, I hate when people tell me to try not to look american, I'm sorry but I love america and everything about it, and im not going to change. Plus im roaming the streets with a red head anyways, so that kind of gives it away dont ya think?

I'm sure ill have better stories and a better feel for life in europe next till then holla atchyaaa boy.

Makin some memories,

1 comment:

  1. hi ryan! i blogged too so no judgements here :)

    opium was definitely my favorite bar in bcn, i'm so jealous! have the best time!
