Saturday, January 16, 2010


Yesterday we moved into our apartment and it is reaaaallyyy nice. We have 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom and a nice kitchen and living room, its really good to finally be all settled in and unpacked. We live on the second floor of an apartment building, but its really the third floor because the they call the first floor 0, which is just completely ridiculous. The elevator is real old school cause its supported by weights and a rope so there is no way cohen can ever use it because it was fall straight to the ground, its ok though dude ill take the stares with you :). There are 16 kids in our program that live on our floor, 4 apartments with 4 kids in each. Everyone seems pretty legit and its gunna be fun getting to know all of them. When we moved in yesterday we unpacked and walked around to check out our new hood, the gracia neighborhood. Its really cool and very vintage and well-established. It seems like a pretty wealthy area judging by the stores and the restaurants. There is a few really good tapas places around here and I finally found some half decent food. I tried to order a bacon cheesburger, but cohan and rapchik told me to order this other thing cause it would be bigger and better. Foolishly, I listened to them and to my dismay, when our food came out, i had a burger with no bun, onions on top of it, and a sunny side up egg with it. It wasn't what I had expected but it really wasnt that bad. Oh and by the way, this is my kind of place, its cheaper to get a beer or a wine in a restaurant then it is to order a water...HELL YEA. Anyways, we came back to the apartment and met up with some of the kids on our floor to go buy some sheets and towels for our apartment. This is where it started to get out of hand. Let me just explain and get something off my chest before I tell you this story.

So whoever said that most people in barcelona speak english is a straight up liar. The only place where people speak a word of english is in the really touristy areas like bartenders at the clubs and all the club promoters. Its really funny to see us walking around town and watch people stare at us, we probably look like the biggest idiots but we embrace is so its all good. But seriously, everyone in the world should speak english? Like r u kidding me, its far and away the best language and everyone should know it. Its really hard to find certain things we need because we cant ask anyone anything without sounding extremely ignorant and getting laughed at, to which my response is laugh right back at them. Now to my story of getting sheets and towels yesterday...8 of us left the apartment on a mission to find some supplies for the apartment, none of us speak spanish by the way. If you can, imagine 8 extremely american guys walking the streets of an old school barcelona town rockin things such as basketball jerseys and high top nikes. Yea people were lookin at us like we were aliens or somethin, it was really funny lookin. But anyways, we figured it would take about 20 minutes to get the things we needed and we could come back and take a ciesta. WRONG. We walked around for about an hour and a half, going in to about 5 or 6 different stores asking for sheets, or if they new where we could find them. Literally, every single person looked at us and laughed. At one point, I stood there just wanting to scream out to all of barcelona for an english speaking person. Finally, we found what we needed and headed back to our place after walking for what seemed like an eternity. Just another adventure in the life of ignorant americans roaming a huge european city I guess.

Moving on, we came back and just hung out for a while, me cohen and rapchik just kind of sat around waiting for 10:30 to come so we could eat dinner and go out. Meanwhile, the red head had to take a cab to the airport to finally pick up his luggage, which he had been missing for 3 days AHAHAHHAAA. Sorry, its just kind of funny cuz they lost his luggage and he has red hair. Anyways, ill finish this up quickly so its not too long, we went to dinner at the little restaurant right downstairs, it consisted of all of us eating really quickly, and cohen dropping his glass and it shattering all over the place. I've never seen a funnier facial expression in my life from cohen, it was a very scared and confused look, because everyone was staring at him, and all he could say was " LO SIENTO, LO SIENTO, LO SIENTO." The owner of the place/our waiter just kinda of smiled and laughed, he didnt seem to care, but cohen just kept on with the damn lo sientos. Unfortunately, I probably looked like more of a jerk than he did because I could not stop the uncontrollable laughter that ensues with cohens stupidity. Rapchik had to tell me to stop laughing because people kept looking at us. Oh by the way, when we walked in to the restaurant, there was literally a women straddling some guy while he was eating dinner, I guess thats how they do it here.

Notable places we've been:

Hopefully one day this list will consist of really cool, historical places but as of now, its only bars and clubs.

Opium Mar - very big club on the beach, very fun place
Shoko - right next door to opium, another big club, also very fun
Catwalk - across the street from those, similar, also really nice
Broadbar - Smaller club, still very fun
Dow Jones - Fun small little pub, more of an american bar, got to watch espn finally, the prices change similar to the stock market, and the market crashes every hour so the prices all go down, really cool.
Chupitos - Really fun pregame bar, light shots on fire and do cool things like that

1 comment:

  1. sorry another comment... where in gracia do you live???
