Monday, April 26, 2010

Amsterdam and Beerfest in Munich

Heineken Brewery in Amsterdam

IAMsterdam sign

Hofrbrauhaus (Old school gemand dude)

Enjoyin some liters at Beerfest

Sorry for posting these late, I've been busy with school and traveling, I will post Amsterdam and Munich now and Ibiza tomorrow.

Where am I? This was the question I had to keep asking myself as I wandered the streets of this crazy little city. I don't really know how to describe Amsterdam besides saying its disney world for college kids. Amsterdam was everything I thought it would be and more. First off, the red light district is out of control. Everywhere you look there are prostitutes standing in windows and they aren't your stereotypical dirty prostitutes, these women are hot! But that's neither here nor there. Its kind of a creepy scene at night but its still a really good time nonetheless. The coffee shops are also very interesting as well, in Amsterdam, everything goes. Also, the food was very impressive. We went to this incredible little pancake bakery where I got a bacon and cheese pancake and Miller got a chocolate banana pancake. They were absolutely incredible.
Besides the obvious red light district and coffee shop visits, we actually did get to see some pretty cool things. On friday we saw the heiniken brewery, the Van Gogh museum, and the IAMsterdam sign. All of those were fun and on saturday we went to The Anne Frank house and a comedy club called "boom chicago" that was really funny. All in all, Amsterdam is an amazing place. So many crazy things and such little time but we definitely saw everything we needed to. Once again, another successful trip.
Why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly? (Kidding obviously)

Munich is another really cool city. Unfortunately this time around, we didn't get to see anything the city had to offer besides spring fest and beer houses. We arrived on Thursday and the first place we went to was this beer hall called Hofbrauhaus. It was a traditional, old school beer hall with all kinds of crazy weird German bands playing and all kinds of old weird German people hanging out there. It was really cool, the beers were huge! They had half liters and liters(obviously we got the liters because we're hardcore haha). They had all different kinds of beer and needless to say it was a really good time. We spent about 6 hours there before we finally had to leave and get some rest for the actual festival which started the next day. Friday was insane. We woke up and walked around a little and then went back to the Hofbrauhaus for a few beers before beer fest opened up. At around 4, we headed over and things got rowdy. There must have been probably 250 kids from America studying abroad all over Europe there. We went to a huge tent and started drinking with everybody. A few hours later, we went over to a bigger and better tent, where we spent the rest of our night. Unforutnately, my night got cut a little short because for some reason the bouncer decided he was sick of us and threw us out. In the process, my blackberry got thrown out of my hand and lets just say I nobody could find it. So after that I was pretty pissed off so I did the best thing for me and just went back to sleep. The next day we woke up and did it all over again. This time, it was more successful. We had an incredible time and that night we even went on some rollercoasters that they had at the festival. It was an incredible time.

We woke up the next morning at around 5 to make sure our flight back to Barca was on time. Of course, it was cancelled due to the freaking ash cloud from Iceland. If you would have told me my flight back to Barcelona was cancelled due to an ash cloud from an errupting volcano in Iceland I would have laughed at you and then probably punched you in the face. So our journey started to find a way back to Barcelona. All the flights for the next few days were cancelled so we tried to get a train. We went to the station and asked the lady what was the fastest way to get back to Barc and she laughed at us, pointed to the calender and saidwith an amused grin on her face "next week." After that we tried to charter a bus. After hours of debating with the bus companies we finally got a group of 100 people together and chartered 2 buses back. 18 hours later we finally arrived in Barcelona exhausted and with school looming in just a few hours. Besides losing my phone and getting a flight cancelled, it was an absolutely amazing weekend and we all had a great time. Lovin life right now, but only 6 days left. The ibiza post will be up tomorrow so make sure to check back then.


Makin memories,

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