Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Boat to Formentara
Chillen in Ibiza

Urban Dictionary - Ibiza: A truly beautiful island off the east coast of Spain. Home of the greatest clubbing experiences on the planet, showcasing the great and good of the dance music scene.

That about sums it up. Ibiza was absolutely insane. We started our journey Thursday night on a 7 hour boat ide to the island. There were about 200 kids from our program going so we had a big party on the boat, it was a really good time and a perfect start to the weekend. We arrived in Ibiza at about 6AM and checked in to our hotel, which was right on the beach. It was absolutely beautiful, but we were all so exhausted that we just passed out. We woke up around noon and headed down to the beach, had some drinks and just enjoyed the sun. After that we went back to sleep to rest up for the night. Later that night we all went to this lounge/club and it was a white party. It was a really good time but everybody just kind of took it easy because we had to wake up around 11 the next day to catch a boat to this island called Formentara.

We woke up the next morning and headed to the boat. About 100 of us took a 40 minute boat ride to one of the most amazing islands in all of europe. When we finally arrived, about 15 of us went to this private, secluded beach and just chilled there all day. It was just what the doctor ordered, a perfect day just to chill and relax. The beach was so nice and the water was legit the clearest, blueist water I've ever seen.

We had been told that we were going to this club called Pacha that night so we all just took it easy to prepare for that. We got back to Ibiza around 7PM and took a little nap. When we woke up everyone knew it was time. This club is one of the top 5 clubs in the world so we had to prepare ourselves. We headed over there around 2 and had the time of our lives. We fist pumped with the best of em for about 4 to 5 hours and before I could even blink it was 7 in the morning. We finally made it back to our hotel and the sun was starting to come up and the birds were chirpin. I didnt get to sleep until about 830 because I had house music blastin through my head. I really dont even know how to put it in to words, it was an absolutely insane night, a night ill definitely never forget. We woke up just a few hours later to catch a 40 minute flight back to Barcelona. Reality set in when we were in the air and we realized this was our last time traveling back to barc so it was definitely a weird feeling.
Its soo crazy to think our stay here is just about over. Although I miss america a lot, its going to be really hard to say goodbye to this place, after all it was my home for 4 months. I'll be sure to check back in one more time before we all head back home on saturday. So till then, hollaaaatchyaboi.

Just keepin the good times rollin

Yah dont say that!
Makin my last few memories here,

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