Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Break: Prague,Rome, Florence, Greece

Lennon Wall - Prague
Coliseum - Rome
Vatican City - Rome

Top of Duomo - Florence
Toga Party - Corfu Island, Greece

Before I get started I should warn you that this post is a little lengthy. We had an incredible spring break and I want to talk about each place. If you dont want to read it, don't.

Prague: Our first leg of the trip had us in Prague, Czeck Republic. We got a really nice apartment style hotel there for 2 nights. The first day there we walked around and checked out the city. It was pretty amazing, a lot of castles and bridges and things of that nature. It was nice because everything was walking distance. Anyways, the food there was pretty solid, had a few really good sausages(there were stands every block). The night life in Prague was pretty impressive. The first night we went to a few bars and a club that was playing all 70s and 80s music, a nice change of pace from what we are accustomed to in barca. The next day we got to walk around the whole city and see everything. We saw the john lennon wall, petrin hill, old town, charles bridge, some huge castle, and we even got to go to a beer garden. It was awesome. That night it was time to celebrate this guys 21st. Without getting into too many details, we went to a club and rapchik may or may not have gotten in a fight with the bouncers and we may or may not have gotten pepper sprayed. Either way, we had an amazing night. Prague was a very cool city and a ton of fun. Successful trip.

Rome: The next stop on our journey was Roma. Let's just say rome might be the coolest city I've ever been to. Everywhere you look there is ruins and things of that nature. We got to see the colesium and the vatican and many other amazing sights. I'm not really in to history much but this place was incredible. Everything was so amazingly interesting. The food was the best thing I've ever experienced. Pasta, pizza, gelato, tiramisu and profiteroles, get outta here. Easily the best food I've ever had, the pizza was incredible but if you're wondering, its not as good as deep dish :). The night life in rome is pretty solid. They aren't really into the clubs as much, its more bar oriented. It was definitely a nice change of pace. The whole time in rome I was actin like a wise guy, and obviously the line "when in rome" was used quite a bit. Overall, Rome was tremendously tremendous.

Florence: After our trip to Rome, we headed to Florence. All I can say is wow! What an incredible little city. Unfortunately we were only there for a little over 24 hrs but we definitely made the most of it. Within our first hour there we probably saw 30 people we knew from home or from IU. We got to see a ton of people that we hadn't seen in a while so it was really nice. Once we dropped our luggage off at the hostel, we started walking around and saw as much as we could before it got dark. After that we went to dinner and it was amazing. Honestly the food here is probably the best in the world and everything on the menu looked amazing. Luckily a lot of people spoke english because the only italian words I know are arivaderci(and I say it like brad pitt in inglorius bastards), ciao, and gratzie. Its actually a really funny language because everything sounds so funny, literally almost every word ends with an I or o. Moving on, the nightlife in florence was pretty surprising. We went out with some friends and literally there must have been 100 people we knew at the bar. We all ordered this beer that everyone called blackout beer(yes it definitely does exactly what it sounds like) and it was on from there. Foolishly we pregamed at our friends apartment before the bar so needless to say we were feelin pretty good. All in all it was a great night. Finding our way back to the hostel, not so great. We stumbled the small city of florence for probably close to an hour(it should have been a 10 minute walk). The second day we woke up and walked around and saw everything in florence. We went to the top of the duomo(a huge, beautiful church in the center of the city) and we saw the statue of david(the dude who rocked goliaths world). We had gelato twice and went to this amazing sandwich place and I asked to guy to "make my sandwich real nice" so he did. Anyways, florence was another successful, amazing trip and I could definitely see myself studying there. We then hopped on the train back to Rome to spend one more night there before catching the cruise to Corfu Island greece.
Greece: After a 4 hour bus ride from Rome to Port Ancona, we hopped on a 14 hour cruise to some random little city in Greece where we then got on another hour and a half cruise to Corfu Island. Once we got there everyone was ready to go and things got a little rowdy. We dropped our luggage off along with about 400 other college kids at the Pink Palace. We headed down to the beach and just hung out there until it was dark. Then we had to get ready for the infamous Pink Palace toga party. We got in our togas and went to down to dinner. The food was decent, but honestly anything would have tasted decent after being in Italy for 4 days. Anyways after dinner we raged and had a great night. The next morning we woke up and signed up for the booze cruise. We got on at about noon and didn't get back until around 6. Needless to say it was an amazing day. We got to sail around the island and do some pretty cool activities. By the time we got back a nap was well overdue. That night we went to a club called The Palladium(doesn't compare to the one in pulco). We had a great night but we payed for it in the morning. We had to wake up at 8 to sign up to go atving and I felt like I just got run over by a train;however, it was well worth it. We went atving around the whole island for about 5 hours and it was so much fun. By the time we got back to the hotel it was time to pack up and check out. Our trip was coming to an end but and we had another 24 hours or so ahead of traveling. All in all, corfu was amazing. The weather was perfect and we got to do some really incredible things.

After our 14 hour cruise back and 4 hour bus ride back to Rome, we got one more incredible dinner. Finally, we had to head to the airport and head back to Barca. What an incredible break. We got to see so many amazing things from the charles bridge to the coliseum to the duomo to the incredible beaches of Corfu. What an incredible trip. Amsterdam tomorrow, can't wait!

I'm a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I'm perfect

Makin memories,

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