Friday, April 30, 2010

Barcelona: One hell of a ride

So the time has come for me to write my last blog as I pack up and get ready to head back home tomorrow. Honestly, I don't really know what to say. Where did time go? It seems like just yesterday we arrived here in this amazing city and had no idea what to expect. This place was our home for almost 4 months and we couldn't have asked for a better one. As I pack up and get ready to move on to the next step, I cant help but re-live some of the insane times we had here. From skydiving in interlaken to getting pepper sprayed in prague to simply chillen on the beach here in barce, it really is going to be tough to leave.

It took me a while to get adjusted to this city, but honestly once I did, I never looked back. We had some of the best times of our life here, and I can truly say these have been the best few months of my life. I've gotten the opportunity to meet so many amazing people and travel to so many amazing places. I guess its kinda like they say, you never really know what you have until its gone. Thats kind of how I'm feeling right now. I feel like 4 months just went by with the blink of an eye. Its one of those things I will look back on and smile from ear to ear. As I sit here somewhat saddened by the fact that its actually time to go, I have to think to myself not to get sad that its over, but to smile because it happened. I just got to spend the last 4 months of my life with some of my best friends and travel all over Europe. It really doesnt get any better than that.

As exciting as it is to get back home to America, its just as difficult to leave. A very bittersweet feeling, but man did we make some memories or what. Barcelona was everything I expected and then some and I'll never forget this experience. It was a blast. Thanks to everyone who kept up with my blog for the past few months, I hope you enjoyed reading them!

I guess all good things do have to come to an end eventually...

I'll miss you barca.

So for the last time:


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