Thursday, January 28, 2010

Damn birds

Been a few days since my last blog, still livin the life out here. Were gettin ready to head down to Seville for the weekend which should be a great time. School is in full swing and classes are alright, a few are interesting and the others are extremely boring but thats the way it is.

If you know me at all, you know I have a strong hatred for birds, I CANNOT STAND THEM. Pigeons are everywhere here and the other day I had a rough encounter with a group of them. I was just minding my own business walking to the metro after my class and some pigeons start walking behind me, following me for a little bit. I didn't think much of it until I noticed not only were they walking behind me, but there was also a large group of them flying over me. If you dont know, when I was a little kid a bird landed on my head and ever since then birds and I haven't really gotten along. Anyways, these birds were above me and behind me for literally 3 blocks and it was starting to freak me out so I picked up the pace a little but of course they stayed right on me. Long story short, I ran to the subway station while birds were following me and spanish people were lookin at me like I was crazy. I don't know what they were doing our why they were following me, but I guess they don't really like me that much? I dont know, who cares, damn birds...

Moving on, a few more things that have been on my mind. Listen, I know I'm good looking, but why do spanish people feel the need to stare holes through me. Like I will be sitting on the metro and 5 or 6 people will stare directly at me, not for a few seconds, but for a few minutes. It is beyond uncomfortable, like take a picture bro it'll last longer. I really don't get it, like do I have something on my face, why can't these weirdos stop starin at me? Freaks. Oh by the way, remember the blind lady that walked through the metro about a week ago, yeah I had another encounter with her. It is by far the creepiest thing I've ever seen, she is straight up casting a spell on people. Finally, whats the deal with all these spanish bums? I will be walkin around minding my own business and they will pester you will crazy spanish nonsense. Its like I know your homeless dude but I'm not giving you anything. Listen up buddy, I dont give American bums money, I'm damn sure not gunna give you any. Thats about it for now.

P.S. - Rapchik fell at a club the other night and gashed his face open. Cohen took him to the hospital where they gave him some stitches, and then Rapchik proceeded to try and hook up with cute his female doctor. :)

That's the way the cookie crumbles

Makin memories,


Sunday, January 24, 2010


So its been a few days since my last blog mostly cause I'm dead. My body is killin me so its time to just chill and take it easy for a lil bit. We've literally been goin out every night and its so fun but I need to relax for a night or two.

The past few days we've finally gotten to see another side of Barcelona. We went on a bus tour which was really cool. We got to see a lot of cool buildings and museums and take some good pictures. Barco is a really cool city cause its got so much to offer from the night life all the way down to the different buildings and food. The best part of our bus tour would have to be when rapchik got in a fight with gypsies cause they tricked him into giving them some money. When it finally occured to him that they stole from him he went back and yelled at them for a minute until finally we had to pull him away from them cause it just wasnt worth it anymore but it was really funny. CLASSIC rapchik.

There are a few things that have been on my mind that I just dont seem to get. People here don't understand the concept of PERSONAL SPACE. They will literally talk right in your face, they will stand as close to you as they want, they always brush up against you and I personally cant stand it. Its just like get off me bro give me some room to breathe. It super annoying but I guess I'll have to get used to it. Another thing is PDA is huge here. Everywhere I go I see people makin out and goin at it. Its disgusting, like get a freakin room dude. Finally, whats the deal with the people and there dogs here. Honestly, multiple times a day I see people walking their dogs and stopping so the dog can take a piss in the middle of the sidewalk. Its freakin insane, I straight up have to walk in a maze so I'm not walking through huge streams of piss. SO WEIRD. Which brings me to my last point, do dogs here bark spanish?? Like do they understand what their owners say to them?? Would bailey be able to survive here? Do dogs speak spanish to eachother or what?? Just something thats been on my mind.

Still love this place, but now its time to do some homework and get some stuff done. Goin to an american bar tonight to watch the games, pretty excited for that. I'm prayin the saints beat the shit outta the vikings, and I'm hopin the jets colts game is close. Till next time...holla atchya boy.

God is love.

Makin memories,


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Just another day in the life

I'm going to try and keep this one short cause I think they might be gettin too long.

Where to begin...

First off, let me start by apologizing to the people of barcelona for calling them out on not speaking english. Yesterday cohen miller and I went to pick up my phone at this package place, we had no idea where we were going because the street signs are extremely annoying and difficult to read but nonetheless, we had to ask 4 people for directions. Luckily 3 of the 4 spoke english. We were so suprised and happy, so I guess some people here do speak english, thank god.

Moving on, there is something here that really bothers me. We have to bag our own groceries. Now it may not sound that ridiculous but the other day we spent about 70 euros which is like a little over $100 at the supermarket to stock up our apartment with food.After the guy rang us up we waited for them to bag the groceries, after staring at him for a few minutes, we ended up having to do it ourselves. I wanted to be like listen up bro, we just dropped 100 dollars here the least you can do is put it in a bag, like come on whats that all about? Not that its difficult to bag groceries but its the principle.

This place is getting crazier by the day. I'm blown away with everything I see. The clubs aregetting more and more fun as we continue to meet more people. We are just starting to get acquainted with thesubway system here. It started off confusing but its actually really easy and quick. While on the subway today, Rapchikand I saw honeslty the most absurd, creepy thing either of us have ever seen. We were just standing there mindingour own business tryin to get back to our place after class. We were actually standing next to the only other red head in barco so I was about to try and talk to him and get his life story, I figured he might know miller cuz of the red head thing, but before I could start talking to him, I look behind me and I see everyone parting like the red seaand I was so confused. The next thing I know there is a old blind lady walking down the middle of the subway with herhuge blind stick waving it around as she walks. She had a cup in her left hang trying to collect change while singing some weird spanish song extremely loud. It was the crazyiest, creepiest thing I've ever seen, nobody really seemed to be in shock like me and Adam were, but it straight up felt like she was casting a spell on us. The whole subway was silent listening to her singand watching her navigate her blind self down the train. So freakin weird.

Class started yesterday and it is what I thought it would be. Some of the classes are interesting cause we get to learnmore about the history of barcelona and europe as a whole. Today I had a 10:30 class and my teacher called me out. We had nametags on our desks and there were only about 10 kids in the class. Of course, I was having a very difficult time stayingawake after a long night, I must have dozed off for a minute cause she was like Ryan wake up, probably not a goodfirst impression but what are ya gunna do?

One more thing real quick, I am like average height here. Im lovin it, a 5'8" kid bein average height is pretty coolif you ask me. There are honestly no tall people here its so weird. We were walkin through the subway station and I noticed the celings were so low, honeslty weiner you would be screwed bro, you would literally have to duck to walk throughthe subway station. Fricken spaniards, cant live with em cant live without em, but it is what it is and its hard notto love this place.Thinkin about hitten up interlaken this weekend, we'll see, I had a hard time holdin my own at ChesnutI dont know if I'm ready for big ass mountains. Pshh who am I kidding? I'll tear that shit up.

New pin: 310965B3 add me!

Clear eyes, full hearts, cant lose

Makin memories,

P.S. - Cohen is 3 for 5 in breaking glass bottles at out at night and Naz I had a brown cab driver last night and I asked him if he knew you, he said your name sounded familiar ;)

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Yesterday we moved into our apartment and it is reaaaallyyy nice. We have 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom and a nice kitchen and living room, its really good to finally be all settled in and unpacked. We live on the second floor of an apartment building, but its really the third floor because the they call the first floor 0, which is just completely ridiculous. The elevator is real old school cause its supported by weights and a rope so there is no way cohen can ever use it because it was fall straight to the ground, its ok though dude ill take the stares with you :). There are 16 kids in our program that live on our floor, 4 apartments with 4 kids in each. Everyone seems pretty legit and its gunna be fun getting to know all of them. When we moved in yesterday we unpacked and walked around to check out our new hood, the gracia neighborhood. Its really cool and very vintage and well-established. It seems like a pretty wealthy area judging by the stores and the restaurants. There is a few really good tapas places around here and I finally found some half decent food. I tried to order a bacon cheesburger, but cohan and rapchik told me to order this other thing cause it would be bigger and better. Foolishly, I listened to them and to my dismay, when our food came out, i had a burger with no bun, onions on top of it, and a sunny side up egg with it. It wasn't what I had expected but it really wasnt that bad. Oh and by the way, this is my kind of place, its cheaper to get a beer or a wine in a restaurant then it is to order a water...HELL YEA. Anyways, we came back to the apartment and met up with some of the kids on our floor to go buy some sheets and towels for our apartment. This is where it started to get out of hand. Let me just explain and get something off my chest before I tell you this story.

So whoever said that most people in barcelona speak english is a straight up liar. The only place where people speak a word of english is in the really touristy areas like bartenders at the clubs and all the club promoters. Its really funny to see us walking around town and watch people stare at us, we probably look like the biggest idiots but we embrace is so its all good. But seriously, everyone in the world should speak english? Like r u kidding me, its far and away the best language and everyone should know it. Its really hard to find certain things we need because we cant ask anyone anything without sounding extremely ignorant and getting laughed at, to which my response is laugh right back at them. Now to my story of getting sheets and towels yesterday...8 of us left the apartment on a mission to find some supplies for the apartment, none of us speak spanish by the way. If you can, imagine 8 extremely american guys walking the streets of an old school barcelona town rockin things such as basketball jerseys and high top nikes. Yea people were lookin at us like we were aliens or somethin, it was really funny lookin. But anyways, we figured it would take about 20 minutes to get the things we needed and we could come back and take a ciesta. WRONG. We walked around for about an hour and a half, going in to about 5 or 6 different stores asking for sheets, or if they new where we could find them. Literally, every single person looked at us and laughed. At one point, I stood there just wanting to scream out to all of barcelona for an english speaking person. Finally, we found what we needed and headed back to our place after walking for what seemed like an eternity. Just another adventure in the life of ignorant americans roaming a huge european city I guess.

Moving on, we came back and just hung out for a while, me cohen and rapchik just kind of sat around waiting for 10:30 to come so we could eat dinner and go out. Meanwhile, the red head had to take a cab to the airport to finally pick up his luggage, which he had been missing for 3 days AHAHAHHAAA. Sorry, its just kind of funny cuz they lost his luggage and he has red hair. Anyways, ill finish this up quickly so its not too long, we went to dinner at the little restaurant right downstairs, it consisted of all of us eating really quickly, and cohen dropping his glass and it shattering all over the place. I've never seen a funnier facial expression in my life from cohen, it was a very scared and confused look, because everyone was staring at him, and all he could say was " LO SIENTO, LO SIENTO, LO SIENTO." The owner of the place/our waiter just kinda of smiled and laughed, he didnt seem to care, but cohen just kept on with the damn lo sientos. Unfortunately, I probably looked like more of a jerk than he did because I could not stop the uncontrollable laughter that ensues with cohens stupidity. Rapchik had to tell me to stop laughing because people kept looking at us. Oh by the way, when we walked in to the restaurant, there was literally a women straddling some guy while he was eating dinner, I guess thats how they do it here.

Notable places we've been:

Hopefully one day this list will consist of really cool, historical places but as of now, its only bars and clubs.

Opium Mar - very big club on the beach, very fun place
Shoko - right next door to opium, another big club, also very fun
Catwalk - across the street from those, similar, also really nice
Broadbar - Smaller club, still very fun
Dow Jones - Fun small little pub, more of an american bar, got to watch espn finally, the prices change similar to the stock market, and the market crashes every hour so the prices all go down, really cool.
Chupitos - Really fun pregame bar, light shots on fire and do cool things like that

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Finally here!

First off, let me just say that typically I hate blogs and bloggers and everything they stand for, no offense jonny or cohen but nobody gives a shit;however, i feel this is an appropriate time to blog, as I have just arrived in barcelona and i would like to have this blog to remember barcelona and all the places I stumble upon.

Secondly, I'm not a journalist nor do i aspire to be one, so you will have to deal with mispelled words,run-on senetences, incorrect punctation, and ridiculous abbreviations such as totes(short for totally haha). If you dont want to read it, then don't, i really dont give a shit. WITH THAT goes nothin.

Yesterday morning me and rapchik landed in barcelona at 7, somewhat apprehensive but very excited. Once we arrived, i turned on my phone and of course it didn't work, so needless to stay i was somewhat pissed. Adam and i almost got arrested about 10 minutes into our trip because I left his jacket on the plane and we ran back to get it, people must have thought we were terrorists because some spanish security lady came up to us after we got the jacket and started questioning us. We had absolutely no idea what she was saying because neither of us speak spanish, or as they speak here CATALAN. Our response was fairly breif, "listen lady, i have no idea what ur saying, but we were just running back to get this jacket." Terrible story i know, but i thought it was a funny first experience in europe.

ANYWAYS...europe is crazy. I've never been here before so I had no idea what to expect. Everything is so different here. I'll start off with the hotel, the elavator is outside,all the rooms are very nice but very small, the showers are different, the lighting is messed up, the outlets are different, and we dont watch tv because we cant understand it. After we checked in, we went out and walked around. We hit up 3 small little restaurants and ordered a few beers. It seems like the beer of choice here in san miguel or somethin like that, and its actually not that bad. The beers here are a lot bigger by the way...people were lookin at us kind of weird cause it was like 10:30 in the morning and we were drinking like it was 11PM, but we had no sense of time so who cares. Moving on, everyone here takes a ciesta(a mid-day nap)...idk its weird but I can dig it, it pushes everything back, people dont eat dinner until like 10:30 at night and then people start goin out around 1. I dont really, know everything is just real fresh right now, meetin a lot of new people and trying to live it up. The club last night was real nice and a lot of fun. I was under the impression that people here spoke spanish...WRONG. They speak catalan, which is very similar to spanish but it has a lisp and has a little french thrown in there. It actually sounds really funny and I've had to try really hard not to laugh at people when they speak to me. Whatever, it is what it is.

Ive only been here for 2 days now so i dont really know much about the culture yet but I'm sure ill figure it out. For instance, people here dont tip. Whats that all about? I tried to tip the waitress who was giving us beers and she just gave me the money back. I can't complain tho, less money to spend. Which brings me to another thing, the euro is so weird. They have coins that are worth anywhere from 2 euro to .01 euro. All of the bills are different colors and different sizes. Its really annoying and weird but I guess ill have to get used to it. It honeslty seems like monopoly money, which is a really bad mentality cuz i dropped about 80 euros last night(aka $120)sorry dad :) The last thing that ive noticed and that is really weird are the phone numbers. They only have nine digits, and ur number changes depending on if your calling from inside of the country or outside.

Tonight were goin to this club called opium mar, i heard its pretty crazy so im lookin forward to it. Just livin life one moment at a time, tryin not to let anything pass me by and tryin not to get jumped by spanish gangsters. Oh by the way, I hate when people tell me to try not to look american, I'm sorry but I love america and everything about it, and im not going to change. Plus im roaming the streets with a red head anyways, so that kind of gives it away dont ya think?

I'm sure ill have better stories and a better feel for life in europe next till then holla atchyaaa boy.

Makin some memories,